Getting Started – Getting Better

Affinity Publisher

Affinity Publisher: Working With Images


Another key to using Affinity Publisher (called AP for the rest of this page) is knowing how to work with images. The default setting for Affinity is not to embed images, like occurs with MS Word. Instead, images are put into an attached container, where they have a nice home but don’t take up as much space as it takes to embed them.

Boxed In

As we discussed in the text formatting pages, Affinity works with boxes/fields. You can’t just type or paste an image directly onto a blank page, like with a word processor program. You’ll need to create boxes to define where content goes and how it behaves.

First, use the image-box tool to draw a box onto a blank page, or in the page where you want to add an image..

In the image above, use the image box to draw where you want the image to appear.

Select and Insert Images

Click to activate the image box, then go to File > Place. It will pull up a browse box to choose your image. Select the image and click Open/OK/etc. depending on your OS. Affinity will display the image inside the box.

Note: You can also create text boxes over the top of an image, if desired.

Image Adjustments

The image automatically sizes to fit the vertical space you drew with your box. Resize, move, and rotate using the tools inside the box, and/or move/resize the entire box, as needed.

Additional Options

Click on Properties in the top toolbar to make in image stretch to fit the box. This will distort the image so typically wouldn’t be used for print options. Anchors, found under the Properties dropdown, also don’t apply to print.

Next lesson: Master Pages and Specialized Text

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